The Top 5 Reasons Businesses Should Hire CMS Developers From India

December 13, 2022
Businesses Should Hire CMS Developers From India

India has become one of the most popular destinations for companies looking to hire CMS developers due to the country’s vast and highly skilled workforce. This blog post will explore the top 5 reasons agencies should consider hiring CMS developers from India. 

We will look at factors such as cost savings, access to experienced professionals, the growth of Indian CMS development, the abundance of support options, and the benefits of outsourcing. By the end of this post, you should have a better understanding of the advantages of hiring CMS developers from India.

Benefits of Hiring CMS Developers From India


When finding a reliable and cost-effective CMS developer, agencies often look no further than India. The average cost of hiring is $70-120 per hour in countries like the USA and Canada. On the other hand, in India, an hourly rate will be roughly half that or even less. This makes Indian contractors far more affordable, but they also tend to have more time to dedicate to one project. 

A study states that 50% of American workers were overwhelmed by their workloads, while only 12% reported feeling like they had too much work. This can be partially attributed to the country’s reliance on freelance labor. 

Contractors are unreliable and don’t typically last long with an agency as they eventually find new projects with higher pay rates elsewhere. With Indians, however, this issue is avoided as they are usually hired full-time instead of as freelancers. They can therefore work on a single project for more extended periods without being drawn away by higher-paying jobs elsewhere.

A Vast Pool of Talent

Regarding hiring CMS developers, India has an abundance of talent to offer. With a population of over 1.3 billion people, the country provides agencies with an expansive pool of skilled professionals from which to choose. This is especially true when developing websites and applications using popular content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and Magento.

The sheer number of professionals available in India is impressive, and the variety of skills and experience within this group is equally so. From experienced veterans working in the industry for years to newcomers with fresh ideas, you’re sure to find the right person for the job. Plus, with access to a large population of IT professionals, there’s no shortage of candidates who can create custom solutions using the latest technologies.

Furthermore, Indian CMS developers typically have experience with international clients and can easily adapt to different needs. They can quickly adjust their workflow to suit your agency’s specific requirements. Additionally, the availability of low-cost services in India means you’ll be able to secure the skills you need at a fraction of the cost you would pay elsewhere.

Overall, India’s vast pool of talented CMS developers is an excellent asset for any agency looking to hire reliable and cost-effective help. With access to such a large selection of qualified professionals, you’re sure to find the perfect candidate to take your website or application to the next level.

Cultural Compatibility

When hiring CMS developers, agencies should consider cultural compatibility. In India, there is a strong emphasis on work ethic and customer service, and Indian CMS developers understand the importance of providing excellent services to clients. They are also more likely to understand the Indian market better and know the specific needs of the Indian consumer.

Another benefit of working with Indian developers is that they tend to be more patient and understanding regarding communication. This is especially important for projects with multiple stakeholders and tight deadlines. An Indian CMS developer will be able to manage expectations better and make sure everyone is on the same page.

The Indian culture also encourages teamwork and collaboration. This makes it easier for Indian developers to work with other teams, such as designers and marketers, to ensure that all project components are correctly integrated.

Finally, Indian CMS developers often bring in a wealth of experience from different industries and countries. This can be a great asset in developing complex websites or customizing existing CMSs. 

All in all, agencies should consider hiring Indian developers when looking for someone who can deliver high-quality CMS development services efficiently and culturally compatible way.

Improved Communication

Communication is key when working with a CMS developer from any country, but it is essential when considering one from India. Not only do the majority of Indian CMS developers speak English fluently, but they also offer excellent communication services. This means that you can rest assured that your project will be discussed and managed promptly, ensuring that the final product is of the highest quality. 

In addition, Indian developers are open to discussing any technical issues or concerns you may have to ensure that your project is completed on time and to the best of their abilities. This makes Indian CMS developers the ideal choice for agencies looking to hire developers that offer quality communication services.

Increased Productivity

When looking for a CMS developer, many agencies turn to India as the source of choice. This is because of the advantages that Indian developers offer over their counterparts in other countries. One of the main reasons for this preference is increased productivity. 

Indian developers have years of experience working with various CMSs, such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. This means they can quickly understand project requirements and hit the ground running from day one. This results in projects being completed more quickly and efficiently than if developers from other countries were used.

In addition, Indian developers typically provide better value for money when compared to other countries. This means that agencies can get more bang for their buck and deliver their projects on time and on budget.

Finally, Indian developers have a strong track record regarding quality assurance and customer service. They ensure that all projects are completed to the highest standard and go above and beyond to ensure client satisfaction. This means that clients can rest assured knowing that their project is safe.


In conclusion, it’s clear to see that there are many benefits for agencies when hiring CMS developers from India. They offer expertise and skills that cannot be matched anywhere else, their affordability makes them an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes, and their cultural fit helps make the development process smoother and faster. 

With the rise of remote working opportunities, CMS developers from India can now work from any location worldwide, making it even easier for agencies to bring them on board. Ultimately, India is the place to go if you’re looking to hire a CMS developer to build your website or web application.